– Sir Astley Paston Cooper
TSSS is a student society focused on the promotion of surgical skills amongst medical students of the University of Pretoria. Any medical student currently registered at the university can become a member.
The society aims to provide members with opportunities to advance their surgical education and skills outside the standard curriculum. Workshops and lecture series will assist in developing the necessary skills and knowledge required of an aspiring surgeon.
Item No.
01. Advance
Advance the science and art of surgery
Item No.
02. Maintain
Maintain the honour and interests of the surgical profession
Item No.
03. Opportunities
Provide adequate opportunities for medical students to be exposed to the surgical field
Item No.
04. Develop
Promote the development of the skills necessary for advancing the techniques and abilities of surgeons at an undergraduate level
Item No.
05. Promote
Promote a high standard of surgical care
Item No.
06. Liase
Liaise with other surgical society’s country wide and eventually worldwide to create global exchange opportunities
Item No.
07. Mentorship
Establish a mentorship programme between medical students interested in the field of surgery as well as between those students, surgical students and identified, mentoring surgeons willing to teach and mentor
Item No.
08. Research
Conduct and partake in research for the advancement of surgery in Africa